Rest & Relax
Just got back from a good couple of days with my cell down on a farm in North Dandalup which is east of Mandurah. Besides the fact that I got really bad hay fever and caught a cold it was an awesome 2 days! We did so much. I shot a .22 rifle and hit a tree, rode a quard-bike which is a huge tractor-like bike that goes really fast and got bitten by horse flies. We also went down to a beach in Mandurah to watch the sun set and experienced some culinary skills I didn't know my cell members had. The two more mature people in the picture are Uncle Rapheal and Aunty Bea who extended their hospitality to us and let us stay in their huge shed on their property.

On the home front Ive started packing my stuff into boxes and my room is so messyy! I can't believe the amount of stuff Ive collected over the years. You don't realise how much crap you have unntil you have to do something with everything. But luckily the bulk of my clothes are already in Singapore. As you can see my bed is acting as a "sorting" area.

IM GOING TO PHUKET! Yes the very next day after I arrive in Singapore me, Steve and 2 of Steve's friends from Melb are heading over to Phuket to get some sun and do lots of watersports. Actaully Decemeber is going to be our "holiday" month. The first weekend is going to be in Phuket, then the weekend after is ZOUKOUT!! woohooo and then we're having fondue with my cousins and other friends and then its Christmas, then New Years. It's going to be total madness and Im going to be broke by the end of it. But Im so excited!
"Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great. "
I hate having my desk in front of a massive window looking out into my garden. I can see clear blue skies, our palm trees swaying in motion with the wind and the sun reflecting off my neighbours' roof. Summer is here!! I always looked forward to summer holidays. Days of surf, sun and sand, popsicles that would melt before you unwrapped the bloody thing, shopping at the Subi markets, driving in the hot hot sun down to cottesloe with the radio blasting. And the best thing of all- NO SCHOOL! Mind you, towards the end of the bolidays I would be looking forward to going back to school, only to regret that thought after the first week. That is something Im really going to miss about Perth- 4 seasons. Its different being in a country when its summer all year round, you don't get excited about change, you don't get to see leaves change colour, or notice that the sun sets at 5pm in winter or the way spring brings about a heavy dose of hay fever.
Nevertheless Im looking forward to going to Singaopre. Shopping centres open till 10pm everyday, working till 10pm, cheap movies, cheap food but Im most looking forward to being with steve all the time. It has been really hard doing this long distance thing and finally after more than 3 yrs we will be in the same city- how exciting. Oh and also looking forward to travelling around Asia, coz its so darn cheap to go anywhere from Singapore. Im heading off to Phuket jsut before i start work for only $28 bucks one way!! Thats like AUD22.50!!
Only another 3 days till my last exam. And only 13 days till I leave. Im going to stop before I get emotional and blab about stupid sentimentalities.
Fav songs for summer: Ever the Same- Rob Thomas
Stick With You -Pussycat Dolls
"All changes are more or less tinged with melancholy, for what we are leaving behind is part of ourselves. "
Tired, Stressed, Aching Body, Brain Dead
That is what Im feeling during this exam period. I should be happy that this is the last set of exams I will be taking for a long time, but the fear of failing and having to do it again is making me nervous.
Tax was a killer last night! As soon as I entered the lecture theatre my brain went blank and i forgot what was assessable, what could be deducted, what topics we actually covered.. everything. To make matters worse the exam started at 6:45pm, a time where my stomach is rumbling and I just want to watch TV. I left the exam feeling fatigue and nauseous. I dont even remember driving home. But I got there alive. Thank God
"Great works are performed not by strength, but by great perseverance."